Tag Archives: ruki

[Live Report] the GazettE – Pulse Wriggling to Dimscene

Standing Live Tour14
Heresy Limited
2014.08.04 (Mon) Shinkiba Studio Coast

It wasn’t as crowded as I thought it would be. My ticket number was 1524 (second to last group to get in), but I was able to get to the front easily. I was near the front of the second section (the main floor was divided into two or three sections separated by some bars), but when it got closer to the live actually starting one of the staff asked the people in the front section to move forward so a bunch of space opened up and the girls in front of me let me through to the first section. I was able to get up pretty close to the stage on Aoi’s side.

The band opened with “The Invisible Wall”. I don’t really like when the first song is slow/a ballad. To me, the first song kind of sets the pace for the rest of the live. The initial image was pretty cool though. They had these giant candle-like things in the back that lit up with real fire before they started playing. It looked really cool. I think they used it a couple other times throughout the live.

After the first song they played “Hyena” (or at least I thought they played “Hyena,” but according to the set list going around tumblr they didn’t… I guess I have a horrible memory?? O_O) and “Cockroach” and I don’t remember what else. I suck at remembering the order of songs. Aoi looked almost bored for the first part of the live (I’m gonna blame it on the fact that they started with a slow song)

Continue reading [Live Report] the GazettE – Pulse Wriggling to Dimscene

[Interview] VA ANOTHER SIDE: the GazettE RUKI’s Jack of All Trades

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For this edition of “RUKI’s Jack of all trades,” we present Conversation Project Part 3.
We have the long version of the conversation between RUKI and our guest, Aki from SID, concerning their private lives and friendship.


I think we’re on the same wavelength with our “childish conversations.”  (RUKI)

It just felt like they really stuck to their own styles (Aki)

–When did the two of you meet?

RUKI: How many years has it been since we first met now?

Aki: I don’t really remember. But I’m pretty sure we met at Shibuya O-EAST’s Battle of the Bands. There were a lot of other bands there too. I had heard of the GazettE before that, but we never met. I thought you guys were really cool when I saw you perform.

RUKI: Don’t lie (laughs).

Aki: It’s true! (laughs) As a band, the GazettE is our senior by about a year or so Continue reading [Interview] VA ANOTHER SIDE: the GazettE RUKI’s Jack of All Trades

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.12.06)

Ruki: This guy really likes games

Ruki: I don’t play games though. He let me play a little the other day, but it was impossible for me.

Ruki: Ahh, of course I’ve played games before, but just fighting types. Also stuff like Kamaitachi no Yoru.* Stuff that you don’t have to read a lot of instructions for.

Ruki: I don’t think I’ve ever even seen an actual PS3 (lol) RT @vixen0504: @Ruki: I know what you mean… My last game craze was about two years ago, but I don’t have any time to play anymore… My PS3 is covered in dust (I only use it for blue ray lol).

Ruki: Yeah… it’s pretty bad, huh (lol) At first I didn’t even know the difference between a DS and a PSP (´._.ˋ) RT@vixen0504: Seriously? ( ̄▽ ̄;)” @Ruki: I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual PS3 (lol)***

*Kamaitachi no Yoru is the name of a game. wiki

(source: Ruki’s twitter)

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.16)

Ruki: fighting spirit

Ruki: I guess I really worried you guys in Kanazawa, huh. I read all of your messages. Thank you so much! I’m able to become stronger because of you guys. I’m able to think “I want to be strong”

Ruki: Thinking about the past, you guys have always supported me in these types of difficult times. I felt a really deep connection with everyone in Kanazawa, something that you just can’t put it in words like “bonds” or “camaraderie.” I’m really thankful.

Ruki: Next is Hachioji. I’m gonna go at it with everything I’ve got so I want everyone to come and go crazy

Ruki: I’m really happy that I have such proud fans. Thank you.

(source: Ruki’s twitter)

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.15)

Ruki: Everyone in Kanazawa. I’m really sorry. I’m sure there’s a lot of people who could only come today, people who went through a lot of trouble to come, as well as many people who came to see us for the first time. Due to various malfunctions we were forced to cut the songs where my voice didn’t come out properly. I’m really sorry for worrying you.

Ruki: I wasn’t able to say thank you to those of you who came out to see us, so allow me to say it here. Everyone, thank you so much

(source: Ruki’s twitter)

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.12)

Ruki: Niigata is over! Niigata has a kind of a shy image, but everyone was really energetic today! It was nice seeing everyone’s ecstatic faces. See you again

Ruki: But the venue today really let me see everyone’s faces~ There were people in wheelchairs there, but they looked like they were enjoying themselves and really showed me how they felt. It made me happy. With each live, gotta leave behind something awesome for all of you!

Ruki: Supposed to be heading for Nagano now, but not making much progress with this snow…

Ruki: Really ~_~; RT @ ykhcinc: @ RUKItheGazettE What! Snow? Really???

Ruki: Yeah, it’s cold in Tokyo too, isn’t it ~_~; Take care not to catch a cold、Mr. President! RT @ takeshinakano: Really!! Snow in Nagano, huh… well, it’s cold in Tokyo too…

Ruki: good night.

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.11)

Ruki: Morning. We’re playing at Niigata today! The weather isn’t that great.. But let’s riot with all we’ve got!(✞␣✞)

Ruki: Fight! RT @ _BORN_Ryoga: We’re playing at Shibuya Club Quattro today. It’s been a while. It’s a really unique event. I’m excited about the audience, backstage, and what kind of atmosphere there will be. Let’s put on a BORN live!

(source: Ruki’s twitter)

[Twitter ] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.10 )

Ruki: Sagami-Ono is over! Did everyone have fun? I did, but my ear monitor got kind of messed up(´._.ˋ)。。

Ruki: Huh? Injuries? I don’t have any lol

Ruki: There’s no blood on me lol Rather, did any of you get hurt from me going into the audience? When I see that aisle, it just makes me want to go through… sorry if I worried you

Ruki: Can I ask a question?

Ruki: Is Niigata cold?( ˘ω˘ ) What’s the temperature?

Ruki: Wait… it might… snow.. when we play there?

Ruki: Ishigaki-san! Thank you for coming all the way to Sagamihara even though you’re so busy! that UGG joke good memories lol RT @ ai_lsgk: @ RukitheGazettE Good job in Sagamihara lol make sure you bring UGGs on your tour! If you have time let’s get something to eat! 😉

Ruki: alright, I’ll bring a coat

Ruki: This year will be a chesterfield coat

Ruki: Hm? When are you going to come!? I’ll be waiting for you~(^o^)/ RT @ gypsy_91: @ RUKItheGazettE I want to see your liveω’*)チラッ

Ruki: Definitely come if you have some time! RT @ gypsy_91: @ RUKItheGazettE I looked at your HP, but the Hachioji live is on a weekday!?
Depending on my work I might be able to go…
But I can’t say for sure…
( ;´Д`)

(source: Ruki’s twitter)

[Twitter] the GazettE – Ruki (2013.11.09) Movies

Ruki: People often think I like horror, but actually I like action movies (^o^)

Ruki: I recommend all the action movies that Jason Statham and Daniel Craig are in

Ruki: I also watch minor movies with robots n stuff

Ruki: I also like The Hangover, even though it’s a comedy

Ruki: The Ghibli movie that I like is Kiki’s Delivery Service

Ruki: Hm? Disney? Pirates of the Caribbean

Ruki: For Godzilla movies, I like either Godzilla vs Biollante or Godzilla vs Mothra

Ruki: As for Anime movies, I only know about Evangelion

Ruki: rarely is there a genre that I don’t watch

Ruki: I don’t do Sci-fi or fantasy
I watched about 3 of the Harry Potter movies, but I couldn’t do it”

Ruki: I watched マリリンに会いたい and it made me not able to watch other animal movies
[T/N: I’m not sure what that movie it is. I did a quick Google search, and I think it’s the Hachiko movie]

Ruki: And with that, I thank you for all the movie recommendations!

(source: Ruki’s twitter)